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All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Legal Update: ACA Information Reporting Penalties Increased for Returns Filed in 2025

ACA Information Reporting Penalties Increased for Returns Filed in 2025 - IRS Revenue Procedure 2023-34 includes updated penalty amounts that may apply to reporting entities that fail to comply with the Affordable Care...

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Coverage Insights: Differences Between Traditional and Cyber Business Interruption Policies

- Differences Between Traditional and Cyber Business Interruption Policies - When organizations face large-scale disasters or other unexpected losses, ensuring business continuity is often a top priority. Yet, various...

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Coverage Insights: Understanding Common CGL Policy Exclusions

Understanding Common CGL Policy Exclusion - Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance is an essential form of coverage for any organization. Such a policy can provide much-needed financial protection if an...

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Know Your Insurance: Auto

Why It Can Pay to Have Uninsured Motorist Insurance - Car insurance is a vital safeguard for drivers that is often legally required by states. Specifically, auto liability insurance (a standard component of a car...

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News Brief: Vehicle Thefts Hit a New Record in 2023: NICB

Vehicle Thefts Hit a New Record in 2023: NICB - Vehicle thefts have steadily increased since 2019, rising about 1% in 2023 to 1,020,729 and setting a new record for stolen vehicles, according to new data from the...

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News Brief: Report Highlights Growing Demand for Family-friendly Benefits

- Report Highlights Growing Demand for Family-friendly Benefits - A new report released by family health benefits platform Ovia Health by Labcorp (Ovia) uncovered U.S. workers’ preferences for family-friendly workplace...

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HR Insights: 4 Ways AI Will Impact the Workplace in 2024

- 4 Ways AI Will Impact the Workplace in 2024 - Artificial intelligence (AI) garnered attention from every industry in 2023, revolutionizing the way organizations operate and make decisions. Many employers adopted this...

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Risk Insights: Health Care Industry Trends to Watch in 2024

- Health Care Industry Trends to Watch in 2024 - In recent years, the health care industry has been navigating a landscape fraught with volatility. Shifting market demands, supply chain struggles and medical inflation...

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Legal Update: New TX Law Prohibits COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates

- New TX Law Prohibits COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates - As of Feb. 6, 2024, a new Texas law prohibits all private employers in the state from adopting or enforcing any COVID-19 vaccination mandates for workers. Covered...

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Know Your Insurance: 2024 Auto Market

Navigating the Auto Insurance Market in 2024 - Like most people, you may have seen your car insurance premiums increase this year even if you haven’t had any auto accidents in the past 12 months. The personal car...

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