Wildfire Danger Information
The Texas Panhandle and South Plains have seen several red flag warnings this season. We have seen how quickly fires can spread out of control and cause significant property damage and potentially loss of life.
It is important for everyone to recognize their responsibility to prevent fires and to take appropriate actions when these dangerous conditions exist.
How do we know when there is an increased fire danger?
- View the burn ban map for Texas here . This map is updated with the latest information on burn bans for Texas. More information also here
- We recommend that your company utilize your internal communications to send out daily weather updates to all employees. This contact should contain weather forecast information including anticipated weather watches, warnings and indications of dangerous fire conditions such as:
- Elevated Fire Weather
- Red Flag Warning
- Critical Fire Weather
- Create a place to post these types of warnings near the areas where employees meet at the beginning of their work schedules
Several job tasks are at high risk of starting a fire and should be prohibited on days that have been designated as elevated fire weather, red flag warning or critical fire weather. The below activities should only take place within a designated hot work area such as a welding shop or other company approved designated locations that are designed for this hazard.
- Welding of any kind
- Metal cutting, brazing or other use of a torch. The open flame and sparks are the issue.
- Grinding, sanding or rotary wire brush on metal that causes sparks to fly
- Any other equipment or tools that cause sparks near flammable materials such as digging machinery in a rocky area
Vehicle Fire Safety. The following tasks should be discussed with your employees that operate motorized equipment that could start a fire:
- Avoid operating a vehicle or equipment in tall, grass/weeds/debris etc., where the hot exhaust or other parts of the equipment could ignite these dry fuels
- Immediately report any suspected or confirmed fire to 911
- Review and refresh training for proper use of fire extinguishers with all field employees
Source: Jim Smith