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Mental Health Minute - September

- - Mental Health Minute - September 2023 - The Connection Between Gut and Brain Health - Recent research indicates that the communication between your brain and your gut plays a crucial role in your overall health....

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Live Well, Work Well - September 2023

- - Live Well, Work Well: The Link Between Health and Happiness - In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, happiness is a goal for many. However, happiness is not an isolated concept; it’s complex and connected to your...

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Legal Update: Workplace Violence Poster Required in Texas

- New Law Requires Poster on How to Report Workplace Violence - On June 14, 2023, Texas enacted a new law, House Bill (HB) 915, that requires employers to post a notice about how employees may report workplace violence...

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Cyber Update: Average Data Breach Costs $4.4M

- Average Data Breach Cost Hits All-time High of $4.4M - According to IBM’s annual Data Breach report, the average cost of a data breach reached an all-time global high of $4.45 million, up 2.3% from 2022 and 15.3%...

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Cyber Liability: The Value of Cyber Insurance

- The Value of Cyber Insurance - As cyberattacks become more frequent and costly, it’s crucial for organizations to maximize their financial protection against related losses by purchasing sufficient insurance. Cyber...

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News Brief - June Hailstorms Across U.S. Caused an Estimated $5.5B in Insured Losses

- Estimated $5.5B in Insured Losses - An outbreak of severe convective storm activity from June 10-19, 2023, is expected to cost approximately $5.5 billion in insured losses across 25 states, according to catastrophe...

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Live Well, Work Well - August 2023

- Improving Your Self-discipline - Self-discipline is an important skill that can enable you to reach personal and professional goals. Developing self-discipline is like strengthening muscles; it can be improved with...

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2023 Commercial Property Insurance Midyear Market Outlook

The last several years have seen the commercial property insurance market progressively harden, evidenced by ongoing rate increases over the past 22 consecutive quarters. Such rate hikes showed some signs of stagnation...

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Legal Update: New Form I-9 Available

- Legal Update: New Form I-9 Available Aug. 1, 2023, With a Remote Verification Option for E-Verify Users - On July 21, 2023, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced a new version of Form I‑9,...

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Live Well, Work Well - July 2023

UV Awareness Month - July is Ultraviolet (UV) Awareness Month. This campaign serves as a reminder of the dangers of UV exposure and the importance of sun safety. Most skin cancers are caused by too much exposure to UV...

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