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Sanford & Tatum Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Cyber Liability: Creating a Cybersecurity Culture

Employees are an organization’s first line of defense against cybercriminals. For this reason, they are also commonly targeted. In fact, the vast majority (88%) of data breaches are caused by employee mistakes,...

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Coverage Insights: Duties in the Event of a Commercial Property Loss

Duties in the Event of a Commercial Property Loss - Most people understand that insurance companies have a duty to reimburse insureds for commercial property damage not excluded by their policies. What’s lesser known is...

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Risk Insights: Training for Temporary Workers and Their Worksite Supervisors

Training for Temporary Workers and Their Worksite Supervisors - Any host employer (HE) that utilizes temporary workers (TWs) through a staffing company (SC) may be opening themselves up to safety and health challenges....

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Live Well, Work Well- November 2022

How to Recession-proof Your life - Many Americans and economists think rising inflation issues, interest rates and housing costs may be warning signs of a looming recession. According to a Bankrate poll, nearly 7 in 10...

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Coverage Insights: Builder's Risk Insurance- Understanding What's Covered

Builder's Risk Insurance- Understanding What's Covered - Builders risk insurance is a specialized form of property coverage that can help protect buildings and other structures under construction. Also known as course...

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Risk Insights: General Cybersecurity Best Practices for Modern Vehicles

Modern vehicle technology has transformed in the past several years as autonomous driving, vehicle electrification and car connectivity features have become more common. While these digital innovations in the automotive...

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Cyber Liability: Endpoint Detection and Response Explained

Endpoint detection and response (EDR) is a cybersecurity solution that continuously monitors security-related threat information and endpoint data to detect and respond to ransomware and other kinds of malware. It...

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Live Well, Work Well- October 2022

What to Know About This Year’s Flu Season - Influenza (flu) season lasts from October through May in the United States, with peak flu activity happening between December and March. The country’s flu activity has been...

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Cyber Liability: The Importance of Two-factor Authentication

As cyber attacks become more and more common, protecting your data is increasingly difficult. In fact, a study from Juniper Research found that by 2023, cyber criminals are expected to steal an estimated 33 billion...

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Work Comp Insights: Five Strategies for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs

Five Strategies for Reducing Workers’ Compensation Costs - When a company experiences significant increases in workers’ compensation costs, it usually triggers internal activities aimed at reducing insurance costs and...

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