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Sanford & Tatum Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Cyber Liability: 10 Essential Cybersecurity Controls

Cyber incidents-including data breaches, ransomware attacks and social engineering scams-have become increasingly prevalent, impacting organizations of all sizes and industries. Such incidents have largely been brought...

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Risk Insights: Labor Shortages and Business Liability Risks

The past year has seen labor shortages across industry lines. According to a recent study from the Society for Human Resource Management, nearly 90% of businesses are having a hard time filling open positions. These...

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HR Insights: Engaging Employees with an Organizational Mission

Organizations thrive through a sense of belonging and shared purpose. As employers navigate on-site, hybrid and remote work models, many may worry that those critical success factors could get lost in the workplace....

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Risk Insights: Winter Driving-Skids

Winter Driving - Skids - One of the most dangerous winter driving hazards is skidding. If it happens at a high speed, the result can be deadly. But most skids can be avoided by simply adjusting to driving conditions and...

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Live Well, Work Well- Janurary 2023

Don’t Forget; It’s National Blood Donor Month - Winter is one of the most challenging times of the year to collect enough blood products and donations to meet patient needs. That’s why National Blood Donor Month is...

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Commercial Property Insights: Monitoring Snow Loads to Protect Structures

Major snow events can impact the integrity of a structure, making it imperative for commercial property owners to understand their building’s characteristics and structural system prior to the start of the snow season....

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Coverage Insights: Media Liability Insurance

Today’s society has become increasingly digital in nature, prompting businesses to leverage additional technology and online services in their operations. Specifically, some businesses have grown more reliant on the...

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Preventing Burnout During the 2022 Holiday Season

According to Microsoft research, nearly half of employees have reported that they are burnt out at work. The World Health Organization defines burnout as a syndrome resulting from workplace stress that has not been...

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Risk Insights: Electric Vehicles Present New Insurance Challenges

Electric vehicles (EVs) continue to gain traction in the U.S. auto market. Last year, Americans bought nearly 450,000 EVs-an 83% jump over 2020. With many federal and state governments pushing for lower CO2 roadway...

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Live Well, Work Well- December 2022

- Prioritizing Your Emotional Well-Being During the Holidays - While the holiday season and end-of-year parties can be full of festive fun, they can also be stressful and take a toll on your emotional well-being....

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