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News Brief: Casualty Claims Severity Significantly Outpacing Economic Inflation

Casualty Claims Severity Significantly Outpacing Economic Inflation - Claims costs for commercial auto, professional liability, product liability and directors and officers liability insurance have exceeded economic...

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Legal Update: New TX Law Prohibits COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates

- New TX Law Prohibits COVID-19 Vaccination Mandates - As of Feb. 6, 2024, a new Texas law prohibits all private employers in the state from adopting or enforcing any COVID-19 vaccination mandates for workers. Covered...

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Legal Update: OSHA Withdraws COVID-19 ETS, but Not the Proposed Permanent Rule

On Jan. 25, 2022, OSHA provided notice that it is withdrawing its COVID-19 vaccination and weekly testing emergency temporary standard (ETS). The withdrawal will be effective once the notice is published in the Federal...

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Legal Update: Supreme Court Stays OSHA ETS Vaccination and Testing Mandate

On Jan. 13, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruled to stay the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) vaccination and testing emergency temporary standard (ETS). The ETS was...

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Legal Update: Agencies Issue Guidance on Coverage of OTC COVID-19 Tests

On Jan. 10, 2022, the Depts. of Labor, Health and Human Services (HHS), and the Treasury issued FAQ guidance regarding the requirements for group health plans and health insurance issuers to cover over-the-counter (OTC)...

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Legal Update: EEOC Issues New Guidance on COVID-19 and ADA Disability

On Dec. 14, 2021, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued 14 new answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about what employers may or may not do to comply with federal fair employment laws during...

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Legal Update: Court Reinstates OSHA Vaccination Mandate for Private Employers

On Friday, Dec. 17, 2021, the 6th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals reinstated the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) federal emergency temporary standard (ETS) for COVID-19. The 6th Circuit decision...

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OSHA Releases Vaccination and Testing ETS

On Nov. 4, 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) announced a federal emergency temporary standard (ETS) to address the grave danger of COVID-19 infection in the workplace. Affected employers...

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OSHA's COVID-19 Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard

On June 10, 2021, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) announced its COVID-19 Healthcare Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS). The ETS was developed to protect health care and health care support...

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Comparing the American Rescue Plan to Previous COVID-19 Relief Bills

President Joe Biden recently signed into law a $1.9 trillion relief bill, known as the American Rescue Plan. The chart below provides an overview of the highlights of the bill and how it compares to the two previous...

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2020, What a Year!

What is there left to say? You don't need me to tell you about the COVID pandemic and how catastrophic it has been or enumerate the ways the coronavirus has taken over our lives. We're all tired of lockdowns,...

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Pre-Employment Drug Testing for Furloughed Drivers

Pre-Employment Drug Testing What does a company do in the event they have to lay drivers off because business has slowed down due to COVID19? Does the driver have to take another Pre-Employment test? If a driver is...

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