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All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

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2024 Midyear Market Outlook: Commercial Auto Insurance

Commercial Auto Insurance - Plummeting profitability has been an ongoing concern in the commercial auto insurance segment, prompting hardening conditions and continued rate hikes. While the majority of policyholders saw...

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Know Your Insurance: Auto

Why It Can Pay to Have Uninsured Motorist Insurance - Car insurance is a vital safeguard for drivers that is often legally required by states. Specifically, auto liability insurance (a standard component of a car...

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Know Your Insurance: 2024 Auto Market

Navigating the Auto Insurance Market in 2024 - Like most people, you may have seen your car insurance premiums increase this year even if you haven’t had any auto accidents in the past 12 months. The personal car...

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News Brief - June Hailstorms Across U.S. Caused an Estimated $5.5B in Insured Losses

- Estimated $5.5B in Insured Losses - An outbreak of severe convective storm activity from June 10-19, 2023, is expected to cost approximately $5.5 billion in insured losses across 25 states, according to catastrophe...

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